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Development Services

Country Club Terrace

COUNTRY CLUB TERRACE.tif ccim'i ctiiB 'TEliliAcE C6 I h ~ ') 5 2- I 2- l'7 3 Lot l- Permit to Rand Fletcher Const. Co., owner & Richard Smith, pur to const res wi, 51 SB where 151 is req., on Wing St., betw Sbadowlawn & Kingsley St., R-l C-2001 8-22-58 $ '(Lot 16- Permit to Mr. & Mrs, George A. Johnson to const single fam res witn 18' x 201 detached gar; res to meet all yd requirements; detached gar to be located 67 1 from front prop line but forward of established 15' SB at 3210 Shadowlawn St, Zone R-1-5, condl C-7273 8-5-65 Lot 19- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ROBERT A. AUSTIN to use property 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday (approximately 25- 30 30 students, at 3210 Lytton Street, Zone R-1-5. Condition. CUP 17262 to teach voice lessons hours per week) with 6-12-81