Country Paradise Card 1
COUNTRY PARADISE CARD 1.tif---,--~ (COUNTRY PARADLE 4I CARD/11 X., fat 5- Permit to A.F. Eaker, 5341 El Cajon Ord. 13056 suspended to allow tifg to front p.l. on El Cajon, Provided owner removes same at his expen,e at time the street is widened. Res. ho. 59859 3-20-33 Lot 5- Suspension of (Ord 13559) to allow retail sale&: slaughter of poultry & rabbits, at 5341 El Cajon Blvd., DEKIEJ to Beryl blankenship, 4620 43rd St., k Res. No. 70202 10-31-39 Lots 6 & 7, S 150' of Lot 6, Lemon villa- Permit to Farmers Market Shopp; Ull Village, Inc. B.B. Margolis, decy to use as parking space in conj with shopping center on adjoining property, at SVi cor 54th &:r;1 Cajon Blvd.,.rl.-2 &.rl.-4 ccndl 2-15-56 r~es. 9410 N 40 1 Lot 6- Perrnit to Gtto & Elsie Olson to use.ti6r parking purposes in connection with business on adj lot in C zone, E side 53rd St. 150' S of El Cajon Blvd. condl- Res. 9269 10-26-55 Por Lots 14 & 15- Permit to George F. Davis to const res, making 3 liv units, proposed unit to be served by 9' access ct., at 4343 53ru St, C-1350 8-9-57 Por Lot 18- Permit to Joseph & Liora Richlin to construct 6 unit apt, making 9 unitw on parcel without full st. frontage on dedic-ated st, at 4J21 5_;rd;:,t., Zone it-4 condl C-2215 12-20-58