Countryside Subd. Card 1
COUNTRYSIDE SUBD. CARD 1.tif r.Jt-.1..1>_,,,._..__..,.,........,--... ""'..,.,.,._.- ~-'"-...,_,.. COUNTRYSIDE SUBDIVISION CARD #1 Lot 2- Permit GRANTED to THOMAS J. ALLEN AND MARLENE A. ALLEN, individuals, owners/ permittes, to construct two single-family units with a swirrming pool and deck on a ~ 1.271 acre lot located south of the existing terminus of Nogales Drive, south of Cordero Road, Zone R-1-15, in the Torrey Pines Corrmunity Plan area. PRD #82-0023 3-18-83 Lot 2- ZA APPROVED request of JESMS LIMITED, OWNER; JIM LONG, PURCHASER- to construct a single-family residence & a guest house on a vacant lot where a guest house is permitted by a Conditional Use Permit only at 13550 Nogales Drive, Zone Rl-15000 with conds. C-19396 12/5/86--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------