Crescent Bluff
CRESCENT BLUFF.tif CRESCENT BLUFF s Lot l (exc Ely 50') & clsd per Alb,1rt St.- Permit to Gerald. ri.. & Lucille res., making 3 uni ts on lot wi ti1 no SB, SE cor Robinson & Albert St. Res. 7224 'l(L. Durr to erect 3-4-5J Lot 8- Permit to Steven L. Elms to const a l5,5'x30' tw::>-story addn to exs sfd. Addn to obs 9' 911 front. yard on Herbert Street and to res in 48% lot coverage. 3725 Robinson Place. R-2 Zone. Condition. C-15042. 5-9-78,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6- John & Sharon Coop at 3704 Robinson PL, Zone R2, to observe 7' front yard on Pennsylvania Ave., with conditions. C-16110 7-18-79 Lot 8- ZA APPROVED with conditions the Amendment sought by Steven L. & Janet L. Elms to (1) construct a second story addition above a single story portion of the residence to observe 0'6" front yard on Robinson Place where 10'0" is required for lots which front on'the curvature if a street; (2) to maintain two deck, street level deck measuring 12'0" at highest point observing a 9 1 9" front yard, and lower deck measuring 15'2" at highest point observing a 0 1011 front yard (encroaching 6'9" into the public right of way), where a 15'0" front yard is required abutting Herbert St., and (3) to provide 2 1 711 between the residence and the garage where 3'0" is required, located at 3725 Robinson Pl., R-3000 zone. Amend C-15042 10-14-88