Crescent Point Card 2
CRESCENT POINT CARD 2.tif CRESCENT POINT. ~\ CARD #2 Lot 4- Pennit was considered by AZA to THOMAS E. WALT to construct (I) master bedroom and bath over existing garage; and (2) sun room, alcove and expanded porch to the existing single-family dwelling; addition to observe 5 1 front yard at closest point and eaves to observe 2 1 front yard where 15' and 11 1 respectively are required (existing garage observes 5 1 front yard and has no eaves), at 2332 Crescent Drive, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED master bedroom and bath over existing garage, to observe JO' setback where 15' is required, Conditions. C-17830 I I-19-82 Lot 7- AGREEMENT with Albert Pulido and Irene Spencer to provide exterior access to existing recreation~! r~om Qnd bedroom w'th full bath in re~r portion-fan existing sin~le- familv dwelling. Both he ecreational room Qnd bedroom will have new ext~rinr access pro- viding three separate entries from the rear yard. located at 2300 Crescent Point, Rl-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT 1/5173 10/31/91