Cresta Real Card 1
CRESTA REAL CARD 1.tif CRESTA REAL Lot 5- Perrrit to Union Title to divide into two parcels to office of Planning Department Card #1 \.\$ In,rnrance & Trust Co., owner & Samuel J. Heiciner, purchaser, permit a res. on each parcel, as shown on map on file in provided easement for access to 3Ely por is 15 1 in width Res. 1~82 1-17-40 Lot 12- Permit C " & r,iar: C. Blasingame to dirlde said lot into,:, parceis & permit a single fam res on each, 846 Bc1ngor St.;,es..574 10-22-47:yet 14- Permit to Arne Strom to constr approx 155' ~fence on top with max overall ht of 11' where 6 1 is cement ret wall with 4' ceuent block pernitted at 815.::angor;St. L.01.e,t-1 Res. 4822 7-12-50,_ Por Lot 12- Permit to Mr_.,.ard Cooper to maintain 6 1 fence in SB at> ~ en Jennings fl., at 846 Bangor St., R-lC condl C-746 9-12-56 Por Lot 12- lbove permit to hrs.,:ard Cooper sustaiued; appeal of Whitney Enterprises to ionL,g Administrator's decision denied. C-746 10-10-56 Lot 8- Perrnit to Daniels. & barbara C. Sanborn to const 273 sq ft storage rm addn to exist sin fa1:, res with no direct access;_ addn to obs O' sideyd (9' reg) por of dwell on l',ly side obs 81 side yd (9' rec.) 765 Bangor St., I R-lC zone condl C-4527 11-24-61 Por Lot 1 & Lot 11, Cresta Loma- Second Kitchen A-1374 4-8-65