Cresta Real Card 4
CRESTA REAL CARD 4.tif-...,,------ V CRESTA REAL Lot 7- Permit APPROVED by ZA to RALPH W. & FRANCES H. GARRETT to construct an addition to an existing bath house on the same lot as an existing single-family dwelling; addition considered to be a guest house addition, at 721 Golden Park Avenue, Zone R-1-10. Conditions. CUP 17701 8-6-82 Lot 3- ZA APPROVED request of MR. & MRS. RALPH BODINE to constr. a 2-story addn to an exist. 2-story SFD; addn to obs a 5' interior side yard on the north were a 6 1 interior side yd is reqa (exist. dwelling observes 5 1 interior side yds) at 807 Golden Park Ave., Zone Rl-10000, cond. C-18601 11/7/84 Lot 3- ZA APPROVED request of RALPH E. & LINDA S. BODINE to constr a 329 sq. ft, guest house (pool house) at the rear of the property on a Jot with an existing 2-story, single- family dwelling at 807 Golden Park Ave., Zone Rl-10000, cond. CUP 18576 9/21/84 Lot 2- ZA APPROVED request of PETER & DORIS ELLSWORTH to maintain 31'3" of 7' hi wall (stucc observing a 14'5" front yd where a max. 3' hi wall is permitted in reqd 20 1 front yd. at 821 Golden Park Ave., Zone ~1-10000 subj to cond. C-18797 4/26/85-------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------