Crestline Card 1
CRESTLINE CARD 1.tif s CRE:3TLINE Lot 16 & wf of 17- Grnated to Zric Gustafison, private c:ar to tLe J.L. on Pennsylvania Ave rtes. 5514~ 11-3-30 Lot +3- Granted to Clara A. Dewitz & L. G. t'rebisius, residence,.:.ob 1 1 6 11 from F.L. on Eagle s~. 60160 5-22-33 Lot 16- Granted To W. H. V. berlin, garage to t~e F.L. on W. Pennsylvania Ave. nes, bl424 2-26-34 Lot 5- Per,d.t to J.L. & i>:ildred P .oartle2: tc erect duple.'""' dcuble 6 ar wit1; 0 1.:3b on west side lJove St., a, prox 100' N of Penna Ave. 1les. bJ57 4-2-52 Lot J- Permit to Curtis Coleman to erect sin faiil res on lot with O 3B on Dove. Res. 7143 2-4-53 Lot 1 exc Sly 10 1 & Sly 15' of,::lutter St. closed- aude..c Curtis ColeIHan to erect 1 sin fam res 6.: have rirht to erect 2nd.lix sin fam res in future,8 S-1.::8 2-19-53 Sly 10 1 Lot 1 & i_ot 2 exc Jly 5'-!'.aude & Curti:;; Colendn to erect 1 sin i'dJ:1 es & right to erect 2m; sin fan, res in future. S::129 2-19-~3---------------------------------------------------------- -.;,Iy 5' Lot 2 & all Lot 3-,,aude & 6urtis Coleman to erect 1 sin fam res & have riciht to erect 2nd sin fam res in future..:.i-130 2-il9-53