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Development Services

Crittendens Addn. Block 4 Card 2

CRITTENDENS ADDN. BLOCK 4 CARD 2.tif ~-"-----c,;,,,;, ~WI?-.......--/Ji,-..-~------ CRITTENDEN' S ADDITION Lots 1, 2, 3, 4- Permit to Gladys & Andrew HOM to constr 18 1 x 65 1 store bldg w/2 apts. Above DENIED. Res. No. 7713 9-2-53 Lot 45 thru 48- Application of All Saints Episcopal Church to dev as parking lot & elementary school playground for use by church & church school located immed adj across Pennsylvania Ave: (1) Parking to be supplemental to req parking; (2) entire area to be encl w/12' hi chain link fence; {3) 2 metal l' x 2' "exit" signs attach to fence on 7th Ave; (4) 1 metal 3' x 6 1 ID sign attach to fence on Penn. Ave; where parking is perm as incidental use to perm principal use; at 628 Pennsylvania Ave betw 6th & 7th Ave, Zone R-4; Part DENIED and Part.APPROVED; Condl. Case No. 8657 5-13-68--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 4,5, & s 6- Application of S.D. TRUST & SAVINGS BANK (Tr. for Frederick & Joyce Brubach, Jr. WITHDRAWN to erect one free-stand, sin faced, non-illum 12' x 25'1 x 44' hi poster panel sign; post to obs 5' SB & edge of sign to obs 1 1 SB where 25' street widening SB is estab at 3721 6tn Ave., betw Pennsylvania Ave. & Robinson 8ve. Zone c. c-10193 11-24-70----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lota 29-36- Perait to lbocla Dalby, J. P. Kosik, C. W. Morris & J. M., Ovoen aDd Pacific '!'el !el co., Purab to clefflop properiy aa a parking lot to provide requiNcl u4 aupplaental perking to aene exiat and new addn to telepnone ccapa~ equlpaent bldg acroea Bobiuon St to toe nortn-3700 Blk Seventb Aveaue betv Bobinaon St ani ftanayl-,ania Ave.. ZoDe R-Jt.. coDd 'l. C-ll086 3-21.-'12--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------