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Development Services

Crittendens Addn. Block 8 Card 2

CRITTENDENS ADDN. BLOCK 8 CARD 2.tif CRITTENDENwS ADD BLOCK 8 Lots 19 & 20- Permit to L. David & Margaret D. Mahlum and Sam & Lynne Hall to const a tY.O-story 4-unit apt bldg resulting in 59% lot coverage, at the E side of 7th Ave between Pennsylvania Ave and Balboa Pk, zone R-3A, Condit, Case #15605 12/29/79--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 47&48- ZA DENIED as requested a variance sought by Robert Pacholke but APPROVED with conditions a 2'0" front yard at the closest point where 15'0" front yard is required for structures over 3'0" in height, located at 3606 Eighth Avenue, Rl-5000 zone, Uptown Emergency Ordinance, Hillside Review Overlay zone. C-20216 3-6-89