Crown Point Block 16 Card 1
CROWN POINT BLOCK 16 CARD 1.tif CRC1.iN POINT BLOCK 16 f}Df 11/1__, 2 2 ~- ''? CAR~ Lot 352- Cond'l / Permit gfanted to Robert w. & Louise W. Dunham to const add to exist. res, add to observe 15' rea,r yd where 20 1 re,uired, 3415 Yosemite St. Case No. 390 4-9-56 Lots 344 & 345- Permit to Helen I. Sawyer to bld sin am res with 51 sideyd, 15' rearyd, 4 s 1.5 1-6 11 rear yd (20 1 req_) at 3434 Jewell btreet, R-1 zone, said rear yd obs along entire width of property. Ca;;e 26j4 7-10-59 Lot 350- Permit to Adrien & Jeanne Poir.ier to (Amended application) convert exist att gar which obs 10 1 rearyd to rumpus rum; & const gar ad.d to exist sing famres, new gar to be att to exist rwnpus rm for an overall length exceeding 30 1, and to obs 5 1 rearyd where 20 1 is re:; on Lot 350, southerly cor of Yosemite & Ingraham;;,ts, Zone R-1, Cond 11 Case 4820 4-12-62--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 353- ~-A.considered re1 of Mrs. Edna Harvey to const aridn to den of exist sing fam res which obs 18 1-611 rear yard; addn to obs 14 1-6 11 rear;rard where 20' isreq a.Iii. Lot 353 at 3421 Yosemite st. betw Ingraham St. & La Cima Dr., ~one R-1-5 & has DENIED the re::uested 14 1-6 11 rear yard but APPrlCVED a"ddn to obs as exist dwell which is approx 18 1-6 11 Case No. 6755 lQ-26-64