Crown Point Block 18
CROWN POINT BLOCK 18.tif,-----' ""' " ~--- " "- ' CRIDWN POINT BLOCK 18 ~ Lot 367- Permit to Geo. Russ, dba!fission Bay Realty, to erect double-faced neon sign J ~ at R/L to face of bldg, all exist ~f signs to be removed, 3460 Ingraham)t. Res. No. 8030 2-17-54 Lot 367- Permit to Geo. Russ to erect double-faced neon sign to extend into setback area, at 3460 Ingraham St. Res. No. 8031 2-17-54 Lot 367- Pei-mit to?-1"..,_. Otto Seeberger to erect 15 sq. ft. sign attached to but proj 36 11 from face of bldg where a 16 11 projection is perm,:"'t 3466 Ingraham St. SW corner La Cima Dr. & Ingraham St., R-C, cond'l Case No. 7442 ll-19-6j