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Development Services

Crown Point Block 20 Card 3

CROWN POINT BLOCK 20 CARD 3.tif CROWN POINT CARD,,o).(/ Lot 419- Permit to Hal & Chris Law to constr an 18' x 20' gar ext and batnroom in rear yd of exist sin fam dwell; overall length of gar to be 39' where a one-story accessory bldg, no portion of which is used for liv or sleeping, can disregard rear yard setback if no more than 30 1 in lengtn; present gar and addn to obs 5' rear yd, at 3457 Riviera Dr betw LaCima and Edge Cliff Drives, Zone R-1-5 . cond 'l. a,,., t'., ~L "4..,.;_ .,L ~-:.:,-- 77 C-11511 10-4-72 Lot 405- Pennit APPROVED by ZA to LORRAINE M. O'NEILL to construct a guest house over existing detached two-car garage, at 3428 Buena Vista Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. CUP 17643 5-28-82 Lot 413- ZA DENIED request of CHARLES 0, SLOCUMB, MD & ALANNA C. SLOCUMB to raise the existing one-story, single-family dwelling and constr. a one-story addn underneath, resulting in a 2-story bldg, with balcony and deck addn. to new second floor; 1) balcony to observe an 11 1 setback where a 15' is reqd; 2) deck to observe a 1 /611 setback where 4 1 is reqd. at 3421 Riviera Drive, Zone Rl-5000. C-19169 5/25/86----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 419- Permission is granted to Owner/Permittee,, DR. MARK SUSSELMANN, OWner/ Permittee to construct a second story above the existing single-family residence Coastal Development located at 3457 Riviera Drive within the Pacific Community, Rl-5000. CDPI/ 92-0252 6/17 /92