Crown Point Block 6
CROWN POINT BLOCK 6.tif CROWN POINT BLOCK 6 cc;1ct11-::. 2,,, <;-- 16 9'iJP".:i. Lot.130, Permit to Mobilnome Corp. to move sipgle family~ frame residenc~ from 2751 Frontier St. to 3604 Bayonne Dr. (for H. M. Wagner) HM rtes. 708 4-10-50---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 124- Permit to Dr, William H. & Marylee Johnson to constr 12'-2" x 6'-10" kitchen eddn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to result in 43i cov where max 4~ is perm (exist dwell is 41i coverage), at 3640 Bayonne Dr. betw La Mancha Dr and Moorland Dr. Zone R-1-5. C-13005 N.H. 2-12-75-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 133- ZA has DENIED the request of PENNYS. & JEFFREY B. MAZIN, at 3615 Buena Vista, Map 1891, Rl-5000 zone. C-19722 11/13187 Lot 128- AGREEMENT with George Lowin to construct a two stroy addition to a single-family dwelling, First floor of addition is family room with outside access which connects exiting dwelling to detached storage room and is accessed via existing den, Second floor is bedroom accessed via stair from new family room, No plumbing to be installed in add- tion or existing storage room, at 3616 Bayonne, Rap 1891, Rl-5000 zone, AG4547, 2/14/90,