Crown Point Block 9
CROWN POINT BLOCK 9.tif CROWN POINT Block 9 Lot 189- Permit to Robt. R, & Aliene D, McDaniels to erect 2 24'x24' gar, on exist founda. & slab with 4 1 rear yd and 2' sideyd, at 3547 Buena Vista St, Zone R-1. Res 4829 7-12-50 Lot 199- Permit to Fritz & Mary E, Zapf, to erect concrete block wall along rear & sides, near prop line, to be max of 6 1 free stliilding wall on top of a ma.J: of 3' retaining wall, at 3516 Bayonne St., Zone R-1 Res #5082 11-1-50 Lot 187- Permit DENIED to Eugene J, Ruiz to erect gar with l' sideyd & approx 43' from front prop line, 3559 Buena Vista St. Res #5~5 8-22-51 ~---------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------- Lot 197- Permit to William B & Barbara J. Carroll to constr a 6 1 x 24' addn and fireplace to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs a 6 1 6" street sideyard and fireplace to obs 4' street sideyard, where 10' is req at 3504 Bayonne Dr at NW cor of intersec with La Cima Dr, R-1-5 Zone C-10290 2-3-71-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 196- Z,A. has considered the req of Don and Lucille Balsamo to constr 61 high masonry wall obs O' st side yd 30' back from front prop line where max 3' high wall or fence is pern in 10' street side yard Where there is vehicular access to the property, at 3503 Buena Viste St. betw La Cima Dr and La Mancno Dr, Zone Rl-5, and has DENIED as req, but APPROVED solid 6' high wall to obs l' street side yard. Cond 'L C-12045 N.H. 7-10-73 C;t-207-:-P;;;i;-t;-F;;;kA~-;s;;d;;j~-Ki;9;;;-;;;;;;;;ro;;2s1-;;;.=o-;ni-ani-coverei--- porch addn-to exs sfEI; addn to obs at clst pt a.4.5' street side yard on La Mancha Drive. 3~!~-~!r~~~:-~~!~:::_~~~:-~=~=~~--~~~~!~!~~!:.. ~=~~~~~:--~=~=Z~:-~i~~-.&1e.1~1~.-ft.1~ij------------