Crown Point Card 1
CROWN POINT CARD 1.tif CROWN POINT s "2.1,;,.,.... I.- -- 1-'_,....,.1 ~ f.,. C> ' ', c, Lot.448-.. Permi.t to W. M. & Frances E. & 10' SB at Send of lot on Riviera Dr at intersec of Moorland Dr. Sutherland to erect res with 4' Dr, increasing to 15' on N end; Res No 7435 '-CARD/llot, SB on Moorland Dr west side of Riviera 5-27-53 Lot 456- Z. A. considered the amened app of Walter J. Pattee, owner & Fidelity Wquity Corp,, purch. to const 7 unit apartment bldg with 7 parking spaces, of which 4 spaces will obs O' from p.l. and 10' from curb on Moorland Dr. where 20' from curb and 3' min distance from p.l. is req, NW cor Promontory St. & Moorland Dr., R-4 Zone, and has DENIED the req for 4 parking spaces obs 0' from p.l. and 10' from curb, but APPROVED the 4 parking spaces obs 3' from p.l. and 13' from curb, condl, Case No. 6226 1-24-64 Lot 382- Z.A. considered the request as amended of John C. & Marilyn E. Wild to cohstruct family rm, patio & attached garS,e addn to existing sin fam res, & to convert exist detached gar that obs al' side & 10' rear yd, to bdrm & bath resulting in 1. Bdrm 'Ii bath obs a 1' side & 10' rear yd, where 4 1 & 20' is req.; 2. Fam Rm & gar obs a 3' sideyd where 4' is req; and 3. resulting in 43~ coverage of the lot, where 4~ is perm at 3434 Bayonne Dr. betw La Cima Dr. & Ingraham St. R-1-5 zone, and has DENIED the request. C-9033 12-31-68