Crown Point Country Club Card 1
CROWN POINT COUNTRY CLUB CARD 1.tif CROWN POINT COUNTRY CLUB i1s-1 & rs C~rd #ll/'7,;J. Lot 1- Z.A. considered appl of Union Oil Co, lessee & Wilshire West Dev Co., own to construct a service station with (1) 4 area lights encroaching 10' into req 10' planting strip (2) one 7'611 diameter lighted ball sign- overall nt approx 25' pole encroaching 6 13" & overhang encroacing 10' into req 10' planting strip, whereno encraocllJllent is perm; at the NE cor Ingraham St. & La Playa Ave., C-lA and has (1) APPROVED the 4 area lights to encroach.providing no signs or pennants are attached to them; (2) DENIED the free-standing, pole ball sign, as req but APPROVED locating the pole of sign back of the SB area, thus permitting part of sign to overhang the planting atrip. C-9396 6-30-69 Lot 2- Z.A. has considered appl of Oakwood Garden Apartments, lessee and Prospect-Calif Co., owner for perm to main exist free-standing, single-faced, non-illuminated, ID signs as follows: (1) northpor of'.')prop, 16 1 611 hi, face area- 9'11" x 2O'2"0south par of prop, 15'10" hi, face area- 9'11" x 20'(3) three 3'x 30',=non-illum "Immediate Occupancy" signs attached to face o~ bldgx(4) one free-standing, single-faced, non-illum ID sign 9'7" hi,=face area- 4 1 3" x 8 1 (5) one free-standing, double-faced, illum ID sign, 16 1 611 hi, face area- 8 1 x 6 1 (6) one free-standing, double-faced, illum ID sign, 16 1 6 11 high face area approx 5' x 7' wnere 8' hi signs are perm and face area perm to be 20 sq. ft. max (Nos. 1,2,3 & 5 are proposed for 90 days and 4 ~ 6 permanent)at 3883 Ingraham St betw Fortuna and La Playa Ave, Zone R-3 and has DENIED the req but APPROVED Maintenance of: (1) one free standing 12' hi, oval, double-faced, 5 1 6 11 x 7' identification si~n and(2) one two-pole, 9'7" hi, 4'3" x 8' identification! directional sign for a pe~iil,&f7to end!~o~-;p~p,ED_- appeal granted and decisio;-;,1fO2z3.A: overruled and appeYlan=i-.:s----- appeal sustained. C,,,-n,.A,-,J,. C-1O234 3-18-71