Crystal Springs Block 2 Card 1
CRYSTAL SPRINGS BLOCK 2 CARD 1.tif CRYSTAL SPRINGS r .' ((.. 5 BLOCK 2.,,,,~--~ ~.~.,.~RO #1 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to W. E Stewart to move 1 story cottage, 311 siding from 3ll5 Polle 5t. to SE co~ Imperial & Southlook Aves. HM Res 303 7-i2-48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 13 to 15- Permit to M''s. Elizabeth Flynn to oper nursing home for max of 11 bed patients 253 Sout14-ook Ave for period of 5 yrs. Res Ko 3405 9-8-48--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 13 to 15- Permit to Chas Leo Flynn & Albert A nlbeck to continue oper of nursing home for max 11 bed patients for per of 5 yrs., 253 Southlook Ave~ Res No. 7849 10-28-53-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 35- Permit to Eugenio & Virginia Patacsil at 252 S. 37th St., Zone R-2 (l)constr second unit on lot containing 468] sq. ft. APPROVED (2) prov l pkg sp DENIED. Condit. C-15907 5/4/79 Lots 32 and 33- AGREEMENT to WILMER BASS to add a bedroom and bath addition to an existing two-bedroom dwelling, at 266 South 37th Street, Zone R-2. AGREEMENT #2844 9-3-82 Lots 26 and 27- AGREEMENT to MARIA L. MORROW to construct family room and bath addition to existing single-family dwelling, located at 288 South 37th Street, Zone R-2. AGREEMENT #2954 7-19-83