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Development Services

Cuesta Loma (Parcel3, R.O.S 6279)

CUESTA LOMA (PARCEL3, R.O.S 6279).tif CUESTA LOMA (PARCEL 31 R.O.S. 6279) For Lot 11- Permit to Francis M. & Tommie J. McLella.n to erect 5' highfence encroaching 17' into established 25' setback on Armada Terrace. Fence to be on existing 9C/I, bank rang- ing in height to 14' at 824 Annada Terrace betw Lucinda St. & Rogers St, Zone R-1-10. Case No. 7384 10/8/65 Lot 11, Por & por Cresta Real, Parcel 1- Permit to Paul c. & Myrtle Sinclair to replace approx 25' of a 6 1 hi wall obs O' SB, where wall or fence not exceeding 3' in ht is perm in 16' estab SB at 837 Golden Park Ave. betw Lucinda St. & Armada Terrace m!ld: in the R-1-5 & RGl-10 Zones. C-9477 N.H. 8-27-69 Por Lot 11 and Lot 1, Cresta Real- Permit to Lawrence & Vessie Kuerb,is to constr a sin fam dwell obs a 5' SB on tne soutn property line, wnere 20' is estab; at 800 blk. Armada Terrace betw Armada Pl and Owen St. Zone R-1-5. Cond '1, C-10973 1-7-72--------------------------------------------------Tu6serv1q--a-1l 1-0 11--r-nt_____________ Lot 4- Permit to Jose G. & Marl y G. da Rosa to construct a driiewayfmeastrq rig ~~i:;% 11 x 90'-0" at 787 l\rmada Terrace, Rl-5000 zone, Coastal Zone, Proposition "D" Height Limitation Zone, Map 1910 is approved with conditions. Case# C-19983 07-08-88------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot Parcel 3, Ros 6279 (being a resubdivision of Cuesta Loma)- AGREEMENT with Donald L. and Mary A, Tuverson to canst an addn to an existing, two-story, sfd. Addn to consist of expansion of guest bedroom to inlude exterior access with interior access to family room, located at 824 Armada Terrace, Rl-5000 Zone. AGREEMENT #6940 3/26/91