Cullen's Arlington Heights Block 1
CULLEN'S ARLINGTON HEIGHTS BLOCK 1.tif CULLEN'S ARLINGTON HEIGHTS BLOCK l Sly 15 1 Lot 15- Permit to Jesse E. & Rose K. Baker to erect Laundry room acid. approx. 8 1x10 1 rear exist. stucco gar. 18 1 from.front prop. line 0 1 side yard add. to have 0 1 side yard, Includes Nly Fir St. clsd, adj. on s. 1904 Edgemont. Res lio. 4033 7-27-49 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to ~ussell & Vera Dawson to const 2 add units, on Edgemont ~t. betw Grape & Elm, R-2, making 3 units on prop. Case #984 3-19-57 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Rus;,ell S, & /era T. Dawson to const 2 add units, making total of 3 units on subj. prop.; two new units to have 9 1 611 access ct.______________________________________________ Case_lill0.9-____________ J-19-57____________ For Lots 27 & 28- Permit to Marjorie M. Tnomas and E. L. Kirby to maintain a 12' x 12' bedroom addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs an 8 1 rear yd wnere 15' is req; at 1958 Edgemont St betw Grape and Elm Sts, Zone R-2. c-10318 2-26-71 Lots 7 & 8- Permit APPROVED by A2A to Richard & Ruth Johnson to constr. a duplex on lot with existing dwelling; addt. to result in 44.5"/4 coverag7 where max. 4o% coverage is permitted (COND)at 1929 31th St. ZoneR2A. c16zzs 6/5/Bo