Cullen's Arlington Heights Block 5
CULLEN'S ARLINGTON HEIGHTS BLOCK 5.tif CULLEN'S ARLitGTON HEIGHTS BLOCK 5 5 Blk 5, Lot- Du lex dwelli in R-2. DENIED to John Polus b Res 6 6 Lot 13 & Nly 15 ft. of Lot 14- Permit to Donald R. and E. Grace Furnival to erect a room on residence which has a 2 ft. sideyard, l701-3lst St.; add 11 room to maintain re,1uired sideyard and rear yard. Res No. 1119 9-27-45 tot 37, Nly 18 1 Lot 36- Condl pern~t to John R. and Alice M. Carlisle, owners, & James H. and Frances N. Harper, purchasers, to erect 11'211x24 1 add to exist res havin no side ard l 4 Ed emont, rles Ko. 21 12-- Lot 6 and N Lot 7, maintain exist sin fam res and right to erect second res. Ernest and Christine C. Whiteman. S-111 7-30-52 Lot 8 and s! Lot 7- Erect duplex, Ernest L. and Christine C. \.'l1iteman S-112 7-30-52 Lot 40 & N 8 1 Lot 39- Permit to Vina v. Collins & Mae E. btangl, owners & Henry M. Dupree, pur, to conv store bldg into duplex, with exisiting iing fam res to remain as such, 3 off-street park to be prov., 3125 Elm St. Res No. 6680 8-6-.,.5""2______ Lot 26 & 27- Pennit to K. L. Mark, owner, & Bobbie D. Johnson, purchaser, to erect duplex with 0 1 setback W. side Edgement St. Res #6732 8-20-52 Lot 36 & 37- Permit to~ & Mrs. Charles W. Raney to maintain 20 1-2"x22 1 gar, att. to res with no access, obs 6" sideyd. Face of gar approx 36 1 back of frnt p.l.; exist res obs 0 1 sideyd, betw Cedar St. & Elm St. at 1744 Edgemont St., R-2 ~one cond'l. Case #4763 3-8-62