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Development Services

Cullen's Arlington Heights Block 6

CULLEN'S ARLINGTON HEIGHTS BLOCK 6.tif BLOCK 6 (,,.., o/60?.5 2oq- ~21', CULLEN'S ARLINGTON HEIGHTS Block 6 Lots 1-5. {Ord. 12321) suspended to allow 2-Residences, 15' from P.L. on Edgemont St., Granted to San Diego Federal ~avings & Loan Assoc. Res. 066 Lot 32 & S Lot 33, Permit to Evangeline Funk to build duplex, S-344-a Lot 34 & N} Lot 33 II II II II 11 11 Duplex, S-345-A 1--41 in R-2 zone. 2-21-56 in R-2 zone. 2-21-56 Lot 21 & 22- Permit to Paul E. & Hazel E. Fort, Jr. to const duplex making total 3 units at 1634-32nd ~t., R-2, cond 11 Case No. 433 5-4-56 Lot 21 & 22- rtppeal of Paal E & Hazel E Fort, Jr. sustained & Z. A. dee, overrruled on ABOVE Case No 433A 6-6-56 Lots 39 & 40- Permit to Park & Josephine Sam to const 4 units crossing lot line, on 32nd St. betw dm & Cedar, R-2, cond 11 Case No. 976 1-25-57 Lots 39 & 40- Permit to Park & Josephine Sam to const sin fam res, making 4 units on lots 3175 Elm St, R-2 zone, cond'l Case 2592 6-19-59--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 21 & 22- Paul E. & Hazel Fort, Jr., & Dolores Maupin to maintain approx 3 1 x 4 1 structure housing a swimming pool filter and wat~r heater on Lot 22, in conj with pool on Lot 21, 1632, 1634, 1636 & 1636}-J2nd St., Zone R-2 Agreement No, 1132 5-16-61