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Cullen's Westland Terrace Block 2 Card1

CULLEN'S WESTLAND TERRACE BLOCK 2 CARD1.tif-....-..--.~- CU~ 1S WESTLAND TERRACE.ARD #1 Lot 26- Permit to J. Lewis & Sally K. Yia.jor to divide into 4 parcels (1) the north 102Ji'It.; (2) the north 50ft. of the south 150 ft.; (3) the north 50 ft. of the south 100 ft.; (4) the south 50 ft. Pentucket and Juniper Streets. Res No. 1097 9-13-45__,..___ Lot 16- Permit to Waldo Liljegren to const. concrete blcok fence from 5 1 to 8 1 high, SW cor of Laurel & 1oundary1 35o7 Laurel, Res, No, 3933 6-1-49 Lot 26 Condl permit to Anthony T. & "nnette r. Tominia to const one duplex or-two sin So. 50 1 fam res on S, 50 1 of Lot 26, 5n. Pentuci:ett betw Ivy & Juniper, R-2.----,--=---:""'"='~--,-----,,-,----:---:-:--,-----==C::::a=-se~9'-"5_,_9 1-17-57 N. 50 1 of Sly 1501 of Lot 26- Fermit to Wm. D. & Joanne}-:. Ludwig to const a sin fam res or duplex observing 51 SB, on Pentuckett Ave,! blk s. of Juniper R-2. (per plans on file) Case #820 1-17-57 N. 50 1 of S. 150 1 of Lot 26- Condl permit to iim. D. & Joanne M, Ludwig to const a sin fam res or duplex, on Pentuckett,! blk S. of Juniper, R-2. Case #963 1-17-57 Por Lot 26- Permit to Star Venture Corp. to const a two-story, sfd: I) to obs a 2 '611 front yard; 2) to const an entry bridge to obs a O' front yard (portion to be in public right-of-way); 3) to res in a height of 37'. 2200 block of Pentucket Avenue. Zone R-1-5 (HRJ. Conditions. c-15395. 9-20-78. Portion of Lot 26- Permit APPROVED, as amended, by AZA, to Star Venture orporation, owner; Sobone Investments (An affiliate of Star Venture Corp.), purchser, for construct- ion of a single-family dwelling on each lot: (I) dwellings to observe a 2 1-611 front yard; (2) entry bridge ranging in height from O' to 7' observing 0' front yard; (3) building A to be 32-1/2' high and Building B to be 33-1/2' high, at 2200 Block of Pentuckett Avenue, Zone R-1-5/HR. Conditions. C-16866 8-8-80