Culverwell & Taggarts Addn. Block B
CULVERWELL & TAGGARTS ADDN. BLOCK B.tif CULVER't,'ELL & TAGGART3 ADDN. BLOCK B.I.. Qs- For Lots l& 2- Permit to Jessie I. Garty, hoses. Harwood, ~liz. Tayler as Jt. Tenants & Children's Dental Healt,.ssoc., purch to convert exist. triplex to Dental Office wit a max o:f 3 dentists & 6 employees,,, here medica.:i. dental cfffice with max of 2 professional men & 3 employees each is perm, at 1266-68-70-24th St., rl-4 ~one, Cond'l. Case No. 6749 10-15-64 Por Lots 1 & 2- Permit to San Diego,Children 1 s Dental Health Asso. to erect 6 1 hi fence obs l I front yd on "A" St. where max 3 1 hi fence is perm in 15 1 req front yd at 1270 24th Street, Zone R-4. CONDITIONS C-13.856 NH 8-20-76