Culverwell & Taggarts Addn. Block C
CULVERWELL & TAGGARTS ADDN. BLOCK C.tif CULVER;JELL & TAGGARTS ilDN. Block 11C11 Lot 1. Setback sus Lots 4 thru- Permit to Dr. cond 1l. BLCCK C do~ q, ~ need M. F. Heller Res 2 W. T.;,;ooney to const 2.2-bed hos 11 KE cor 23rd & C Sts., Res No. 5984 11-14-51 Lotss 4 thru 6- to Dr. W T Hooney to ext. Res. 5984 ABWE fer 6 mo. & amend to 25-bed hosp 11 Res No. 6469 5-14-52 Lots 4 thru 6- Permit to Dr. vi T J.fooney to erect hosp 11 with 0 1 SB on 23rd St., 1100 24th St. Res No. 6792 9-17-52 Lot 3 (exc Wly 65 1)- Permit to Howard H & Lorna M Burt to make inter repairs & alter, & add bathrm to non-conf apt bldg, 3 of 6 apts served by 8 1 access & 5 1 rear yd, W side St. betw B and C Sts. Res No. 6945 10-29-52 Lots 4,5 & 6- Permit to WT Mooney to const 25-bed hospital with not less than 13-off-st. parking, N side C_ St. bet 23rd & 24 th. des No. 7097 1-7-53 Lots 4,5 & 6- 6 mo. exj:,. to d T Mooney to const 25-bed hosp 11 with not less than 13 of.f-st parking, N side C St. bet 23rd & 24th Res No. 72B1 3-18-53 Lots 4,5 & 6- Permit to Geo L. & Mary h