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Development Services

Culverwell & Taggarts Addn. Block D

CULVERWELL & TAGGARTS ADDN. BLOCK D.tif CULVER WELL & TAGGART'S ADDITllN BLCCK D Block D Lot 1. (Set-back restraining order)- Directs Building Inspector to stop construction under permit $40696, to l.r. Crook at 2329 C-st., until City Attorney passes upon legality of structure at 24th & C-st, in alledged violation of set-back ordinance. Res. 43727 ll-2b-27 Por Lot 2, exc. W 68 1, all of N 1 of 5 exc. W 68 1-Permit to Florence Martineau to conv gar into res with 26 11 side yd. 1030 24th St. Res No. 6340 4-2-52-=====----r--,m----- Lot 3, W75'- Permit to Jose & Lucia Marasigan to erect approx 30' of max 5'4" hi retain wall on both side property line, o~o front yd wnere max 3' wall is perm in req 15' front yd at 1055 23rd St., betw Bro way & C St., Zone R-4, per plans on file. C-10126 NH 9-22-70 Lots 5 & 6- ZA DENIED request~i ARTURO C~ROS to use portion of residentially zoned SFD as a hair sty! ist's studio were such use,1is not permitted except in accordance with the provisions of the Home Occu~a~ion Ordinanc" 2320 Broadway, Subarea I/ ~' l H.O. #40818 8/10/84