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Development Services

Culverwell & Taggarts Addn. Block E

CULVERWELL & TAGGARTS ADDN. BLOCK E.tif CULVER1i> iELL & TAGGART 1S ADDITION BLOCK E Q66 l r; '' ":, I OCJ- l)lf3 (Zone restraining crdar) ~ Block E Lot l Building Inspector authorized and directed not to issue permit.- fer replacing the sign at 24th & Broadway, S> l;W, until Planning C6mm. report on zoning of block. Res 52753 1-13-30 E of Lot 6- Permit DENIED to John Cantlin to convert exist. gar. to liv. ;uarters, 5 1 bet. bldgs. 90B-24th. Res No. 4119 9-7-49 E2 of Lots 5 &- Condl permit to Mrs. May artin to convert exist. garage to living quarters, having living unit above, with 5 1 betw. garage bldg. & other living units (6 1 req.) at 912-24th St R-4. Case#lB53 5-23-5B Lots 1, 2, 11 & 12- Permission is granted to Owner/Permittee, to construct tenant improvements to an existing 17,983 sq. ft. building to convert a meeting hall to office uses, located at 953 23rd Street, GH-2500 Zone Golden Hill Dev. 92-0638 4/7/93