Culverwell & Taggarts Addn. Block G
CULVERWELL & TAGGARTS ADDN. BLOCK G.tif CULllER'.,'ELL & 'IAGGART' S ADDITION Por Lots 4 & 5- Permit to;;. A. Trudeau 13th ~t. to 7Jl-2Jrd St. BLCCK G cue 2 LI <-, l- ill!Ji.J..1 <1 1 to move frm 2-story apt house from 93r--,, HM Res 1534 11-18-52 W Lots 4 to 6- Permit to \falter A Trudeau to move d uoit, 2 story bldg onto this parcel, with 2 units served by 6 1 access ct, 7Jl-2Jrd St. Res No. 7076 1-7-53 Por Lots 4 to 6- Permit to '.ti." Trudeau to move frm res from 937-13th St to 731-23rd St. amending Res No 1534 ill{Res 1560 1-19-53 1;Iest of Lots 4,5 & 6- AGREEMENT #778 to;;. A. Trudeau to move in an old building and convert to an 8-unit apartment and to build (at later date) an apartment building (l.4 units) and to operate both buildings together as a unit in order that the lot may be considered as 60% lot coverage. 11-24-52------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------