Culverwell & Taggart's Addn. Map 249 Block 24
CULVERWELL & TAGGART'S ADDN. MAP 249 BLOCK 24.tif (,J""' fl,ac, tocK.?C,~(){) 7U q.::; 'lo~:} l{"> CllLVERWELL & TAGGART 1S ADDITION rr'r.,,...1 y1;1 2!: v.,,, ~ ~ J E Lots ll & 12- Pennit to Howard J & Lolita Gibson to conv exist triplex to ~ 7 4-fam res, making 6 units on prop, with 4 1 rear yd & 5 1 access, NW cor 20th & C Sts. nes No. 6429 4-30-52_ J.; Lots 11 & 12- Pennit to How 3 rd J & Lolita Gibson to convert front res to duplex with 5ft. between bldgs, on con. owner oonstruct & maintain off-street parking space for 2 cars,~ Res 5601 6-13-51 w Lots 5 & 6- Permit DENIED to Leonard B & Marie W w'eat to conv duplex to triplex with 2 1 side yd, 7' rear yd & 71 access. 1115 19th 1;0 79'2JJ 12-9-53 w Lots 5 & 6- Res. 70-xJ ABOVE again considered & again DENlED for Leonard B & Marie W West Res Ko. 7952 12-23-:.23_ W~ of Et Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Rodney S. & Myrtle Pease to make repairs to non-conf bldg. with 2 1 611 side yd, N side C, betwn 19th & 20th. Res#7728 9-16-53----------------------------------------------------------------------------