Culverwell & Taggart's Addn. Map 249 Block 28
CULVERWELL & TAGGART'S ADDN. MAP 249 BLOCK 28.tif.. CULVER,iELL & TAGGART'S ADDITilN t)t:,ic? '-! <1 ~ 2~1) 4J....,,~-2- Block 28, Lots 11-12, w, Setback 10 1 from the front prop line. Permit to Gustave Pallas Res 40366 1-17-27 Block 28, Lots 11 and 12: Permit to move Mess Hall from Balboa to 2242 Broadway, Church c God, Rev. ';:. P. '.:ilkins. HM. 81 12-1-47 Block 28, Lots 1-3- Permit to 2nd Church of Christ, Scientist, to const 17 1x30 1 Committee rioomadd to exist. church, 3'2 sideyard & 81 rear yard, 1055-22nd st. Res No. 4472 2-23-50 Block 28- Lots 1,2 & 3- Permit to Second Church of Christ Scientist to erect & maintain one single-faced, interior lighted, changeable letter 3 1-611 high x 6' long bulletin board church sign advert church & iigkti1Q2C listing church activities; sign to be mounted on two steel posts angles 45' at the intersection of "C" & 2nd Sts. & obs the req SB; church obs 2~' sideyd & 8' rearyd, perm by Var. Res No. 4472 where sign must be attached to face of bldgl is req, at 1055-22nd St., betw Broadway & "C" St., R-4 Zone. C-5018 7-6-62 request by DAVID AND MONY OVERTURF Lots 7 and 8,"It AZA APPROVED VAR,._to construct (1) a maximum 6 '-4" high, combi- nation retaining wall/open fence within the required yard where the max ht permitted is 6'-0", provided it complies with design criteria; and (2) said open fence to be located within a driveway visibility area where 3'-0" is the maximum height permitted-"the West one-baJf af I-ots 1 ano 8, located at 2223 and 2225 "C" Street, GH-2500 zone, Golden Hill Planned District. C-20826 8/19/91 NH