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Development Services

Culverwell & Taggart's Addn. Map 249 Block 29

CULVERWELL & TAGGART'S ADDN. MAP 249 BLOCK 29.tif- CULVERWELL & TAGGART 1S ADDITION (J1y #'ol/t'~) BLOCK 29 /)b6 2 f./7 5 ~-.~; Lots 11 & 12 (West ) Qi nditicnal permit to Greenwood Cemetery Ass n to convert an exist. duplex at 2136-38 Broadway into a 4 unit apt. house with a 1 ft, rear yd. & an 8 in. sideyard. No. 552 3-23-44 Lots 3 & 4- 0 onditional permit to Richard T. t-foore to convert existing residence at 10Jl-2lst St. iinto 4 apts. with 9 ft. to rear bldg. which has a 4 ft. rear yard. See AGREEJQT #290 No. 558 J-30-44 W Lots 11 & 12- Permit to Wm O & Evelyn Hogan to canst comm:l.dg add to exist 4-unit apt house; add & exist struc to obs 5 1 access ct (10 1 re,,.) cond'l. C-zone C- 5942 9-11-63 Lots 3 & 4- AG:rlEM1SNT i.290 to Golda L. Moore and d-ichard T. Moore to convert an exist res on prop into four aptments with nine f~t to the rear bldg which has a fol.l.l' foot rear yard.. ~~!5._..528..5.:-8-~44~--