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Culverwell & Taggarts Addn. Map 249 Block 48

CULVERWELL & TAGGARTS ADDN. MAP 249 BLOCK 48.tif CULVERWELL & TAGGART'S SUBDIVISION (My ',:;;rt} BLOCK 48 Lot 4- Permit DENIED John Carlson for yd variance to make addn to res at 833- 20th St, w/2' side yd. Res. 194 10-22-42 Lot 6 & 20' of Lot 5- Permit to Trinity Lutheran Church to constr 12' x 12' addn to parsonage w/8' rear yd & to constr 16' x 48 1 interior balcony in church w/3' side yd; 20th & F Sts. Res. 6395 4-16-52--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------