Culverwell & Taggarts Addn. Map 249 Block 60
CULVERWELL & TAGGARTS ADDN. MAP 249 BLOCK 60.tif CULVERl'/ELL & TAGGART 1S ADOO (,A/1/' #d"/f) BLOCK 60 @ol>-z C/lj S;l?)O,t;; 3 Lot 7- Pennit to Virs. Goldie B. Jones, a.rner & K.D. Saliba, lessee, to reopen stare b]d g & aper grocery business, SW cor 20th & 1" Res No. 6042 12-7-51 W 54 1 Lot l- Permit to C. N/Trent to const addn to front of existing res having 8 1 rearyd 767-19th St. Case No 125 4-7-54