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Development Services

Davidson-Miller Tract Resub. Card 4

DAVIDSON-MILLER TRACT RESUB. CARD 4.tif DAVIJEOR- MILLERTRACT MpBDiyISIOH Lot 1- City Cehvrolet (James McFarland, Pres.) to use Lot 1, tor outdoor storage and display ot new, unregistered motor vehicles &ncl to provide off-street parking tor employees in connec with new car dealership adj, south side Milton St. at Denver St., Zone R-1-.5. Agreement No. 1504 9-2'>-67_______________________________________,_--------- Lot 1 (Fonaerly' Lots 4- 16 Davidson- Miller Tract)- Z.A. has considered the request ot city Chevrolet to Amend Case No. 8087:for outdoor storage and display of new, unregistered motor vehicles and to provide off-st parking for employees in connection with new car dealer- ship adj (where sing fam res and accessory uses only' are perm), on S side of Milton St. at Denver St., Zone R-1-.5; said requested Amendment being: (1) To provide.50 off-st parking spaces tor employees; (2) To corust 6 1 high solid concrete block walls along the southern and ~tern prop lines; (3) To erect 61 high chain link fence along the northern side of the prop obs a 101 SB from Milton St. with two 30 1 access driveways secured with 6 high rolling aates; (4) To lanucape the area betw the 6 1 high fence andd.sidewalk along Milton St. and provide an approved watering system; (.5) to pave the entire lot with a mill or 2 uphaltic concrete, and mark the employee parking spaces; to install area security fiood lights below the top of the 61 high walls and fence; (6) to install 3 strands ot barbed wire on top of chain link fence and on top of wall on southern prop line; and after consideration has in part APPROVED and in part DENIED the request as follows: (1) DENIED the proposal tor 50 parking spaces, but APPROVED 80 parking spaces, with further details as set forth in the conditions; (2) APPROVED the 6 high solid concrete block wall along southern and eastern prop lines; (3) DENIED the 6 high chain link fence.along northern boundary of prop but APPROVED 61 high detorative nk wall, obs 101 SB from Hilton St., with two 30' access driveways secured with 61 high chain link rolling gates; (4) APPROVED the landscaping area betw the 6 high concrete block ~ & sidewalk along Milton st. & the provision for approved watering system; (.5) APPROVED paving ~ uard No. 2 u.u.~. c;ase wo. 8087 9-18-67