D.B Williams Subdivision
D.B WILLIAMS SUBDIVISION.tif {vacated for Cabrillo Freeway) Block 2, Lot 1- Gar to be 10_1_b_ack from prop__ l_i_rl_eTpe_r~it to Fa11ni1e E. Leyner, Res._~5_2li:+_9l14/25 Block 1, Lots 50 thru 53 & por Lots 47,48, 49- Permit to Sisters of Mercy to const/oper. animal research fac for Mercy Hopsital, E. side 6th St._ Ext, N of Washington St,, Clone, ~ CUjt Condi.C-4060 5/10/61 Appeal CC-166376 filed 6/15/61 S.,~ C!({-;e:>:sa/k~-J'- 1 year extension to expire 5/26/62- CASE #4060 ABOVE. 11/22/61 /-~-7K 6 mos. ext to expiI_e_ 12/20/62 "_ ~--"----______ f'l:9/62-------------- Lots 64- 69- A. A. Stadtmiller, permitted to const & operate 120 bed convalexcent hospital located on the NW corner of the intersection of 8th Ave. & Washington St, CUP 166-PC Extension of time for 1 year from 1/28/69 11/13/68