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Development Services

Del Cerro #1 Card 1

DEL CERRO #1 CARD 1.tif DEL CERRO UNIT #1-~/ Lot 75- Permit to Builders Enterprises, Inc. to move nouse and garage from SE cor La Mesa Blvd and El Cajon to 6310 Raydel HM 2257 12-12-55 Lot 33- Permit DENIED to Wm. c. & Vhginia L. Hilke to constr bedroom & batn addn to dwell, to obs 16 1 rear yd (20' req) at 5672 Madra Ave. C-5977 9-23-63 Lot 57- Permit to cnarles F. & Jessica M. Petty to constr a 10' x 14 1 addn to fam rm of exist dwell, addn to encro 1 1611 into req 20' rear yard at 5650 Raymar St.betw Raydel Ct. and Glenmont St., Zone R-1-5, Condl. C-7900 N.H. 9-23-66 Lot 71- Permit to Roland G. & Lucy Brown to constr bedroom & batn addn to rear of exist d1eel'.L, addn to obs 18 1 611 rear yd wnere 20' is req; at 5673 Marne Ave. betw Raydel Ct. and Glenmont St., Zone R-1-5. cond'l. C-8148 N.H. 5-18-67 Lot 35- Permit DENIED to Ronald w. & Loretta Williamson to constr 15' x 46 16 11 bedroan & batn addn to exist sin fam dwell; addn to observe 13' rear yard wnere 20' is req & resulting in approx 41i cov wnere 4~ is perm, at 5656 Madra Ave betw Glenmont St. & Raydel Court. Zone R-1-5. c-116o2 11-10-72 Appealed- Appeal DENIED- 3-15-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------