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Del Cerro Shores #1 Card 1

DEL CERRO SHORES #1 CARD 1.tif DEL CERRO SHORES UNIT #1 CARO #I Lot 6- Permit APPROVED by AZA to CHILCOTE INCORPORATED, owner; ROBERT T. GORDON, purchaser, to erect approximately (l) 20' of retaining wall ranging in height from 3' to 10' observing 5' front yard and 0' interior side yard where maximum 3' and 6 1 wall is permitted in the required 20' front yard and 6 1 interior side yard; (2) approximately 21' of 5' high retaining wall observing 15' front yard where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in required 20' front yard, at 6635 Norman Lane, Zone R-1-10. Condition. C-17205 NH lot 62- ZA APPROVED request of CHILCOTE HOMES, INC. to constr a side yd where 6 1 is reqd at 5895 Cuidad Leon Court, Zone R-1-10, C-18573 4-21-81 SFD observing a 5' interior subj to cond. 9/18/84--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wt 22-- FENCE VARIANCE sought by NATHAN & ANNA DIEm:R was APPROVED WI'IH roIDITIOOS by ZA for the erection of a masonry wall 43'-0" of 4'-0" with 1'-0" of wrought iron on top, observing a 6'-0" front yard where 3'-0" is maximum height. C-19164 2/9/97