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Del Cerro Terrace #2 Card 3

DEL CERRO TERRACE #2 CARD 3.tif r.-.,e.... '"._.,....,____..,..,. ~ -,,._.,..,,, ~-,_~... ~.......,. DEL CERRO TERRACE UNIT #2 CARO #3 Lot 105- Permit APPROVED by AZA to JOSEPH E, AND DEIDRE T. MC BRIDE to erect approximately 14' of retaining wal I varying in height from 01 to 4.5' where a maximum 3' high wall is permitted in established 12 1 front yard, located at 6180 Camino Largo, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-18059 NH 6-2-83; Lot 104- Permit APPROVED by AZA to JAMES L. AND BETTY J. KRITZ to erect approx- imately 46 1 of retaining wall varying in height from O' to 4.5 1 where a maximum 3' high wall is permitted in the established 12' front yard, located at 6188 Camino Largo, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-18060 NH 6-2-83