Del Cerro Unit#5 Card 2
DEL CERRO UNIT#5 CARD 2.tif Lot 293- Permit to Groeb0Dt Builclere, Inc. to coutr a tvo-beal'OClll & t ra acldn vitb bar sink to exist sin ta dwell at 6302 Bl.Jlburat. Zone R-15 \'I AGRD #1712 9-21-71 ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 335- Permit to Ttlomas J. & Anna H, Stokes to constr 2nd story rec room above exist gar witn bar sink tnerein at 6358 Lambda Dr. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1802 10-13-72 Lot 310- permit to James Al Jen & Margaret M. Macy to erect 20' long, 8 1-611 hi fence, on Madra Ave betw Rockhurst Dr & Lambda Dr, Zone R-1-5 C-12830 N.H. 9/25/74 lot 34'- Permit DENIED to Pat & Anna Lucente to complete const of res w/2nd kitchen adj to rumpus room on lower level where sin gam dwell w/max of l kitchen is perm, at 6385 Rockhurst Dr, Zone R-1-5. (See A-1315) C-6575 7/8/64 Lot 340- Permit to John Guth to const an addn to an exs sfd with an architectural pro- jection to obs a 13'2" front yard at 5820 Madra Avenue. R-1-5 Zone. C-14437 NH. 6-8-77.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 302- AGREEMENT to Paul & Naomi Overton to add bar sink to new den addn. at 5782 Calvin Way, Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2293 9/1/77-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 289- Permit to Donald J. & Peggy J. Shirar to erect 26' of 4' of proposed maximum 3' high deck obs at closest pt a 17' front sb. R-1-5 Zone. Condition. C-15367 NH. 7-28-78, high glass fence on top 6360 Elmhurst Drive.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------