Del Cerro Unit#7 Card 1
DEL CERRO UNIT#7 CARD 1.tif DEL CERRO UNIT NO. 7 Lot 461- Permit to c. F. Truitt to const a gar over 500 sq. ft., (20' req) at SE cor Theta Place & Lambda Dr,, R-1. --- CAR.D #1 with 41 rear yd \ 1_____________________________________________________ Case_No._1912_____ 6-27-58_________ Lot 432- Permit to John W. & Nellie H. Powell to erect redwood louver fence with concrete block posts around lot back of SB; fence to range in height from 4' to 5'; max ht above average adj ground level to be 7' 611 where fence max 6 1 above average adj ground level is perm, at 5778 Theta Place, R-1 Zone. Case No. 5262 10-16-62 Lot 416- AGREEMENT #1345 to Robert & Faye Forbis to constr bdrm, bath & tam rm w/bar sink over gar, 6156 Rockhurst Dr. 10/8/64---~t-434-:-;;;;;_t-~-;;;;;;k_R_&_M;b;i-s;~;;-t;-;~h;g;-bdrm_&_idd-bthroom-to-e:idsi-dwefr which obs all yd req; addn to obs 10ft rear yd & 3' sdyd w/ZJ' rear yd & 4 1_____________ s~-~-~-s-~_e_:________________ r._~-=:=:C--~~~~-~~:~B______:~~::~~~----____ Lot 404- AGREEMENT to HOLLIE H. & LEE V. ELLIOTT to maintain second story recreation room addition with bath and exterior entrance on the ground floor, at 6254 Rockhurst Drive, Zone R-1-5, AGREEMENT #2874 11-17-82 Lot 430- AGREEMENT with FRANK COLE to construct a living room addn to existing one-story SFD with a bar sink in living room at 6185 Lambda Dr., Zone Rl-5000 AGREEMENT #3155 8/30/84