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Development Services

Del Cerro Unit#8

DEL CERRO UNIT#8.tif DEL CERRO #8 ~c,'3 tp.ij'4...- s- 72 r; /)(1 C, # I Lot 511 (proposed Parcel 2, Tentative Map 78-168)- Permit to American Baptist Churches!!t the Pacific Southwest to use existing building for church office headquarters and to pro-,/ vide access to exs parking from a 25 1-wide easement located on propq~ed l'arcel I, SW cor- ner of Del Cerro Blvd at College Avenue. Conditions. c~15326. 8-23-78. Zone R-1-5.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 5ll (also Lot 745, Unit #11)- DENIED request of CHESTER LEE KLUCK, HELEN GIRARD KLUCK,, and TEMPLE EMANU-EL of San Diego, Owners; TEMPLE EMANU-EL OF SAN DIEGO, Purchaser, to ex- / pand existing church facility permitted by C-15324 on Lot 511, to include the construction of a new sanctuary, classroom, social hall and offices, located at 6271 & 6299 Capri Drive, Zone R-1-5. c-18298 & 18299 2/2/84--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Po~Lot 511 (also Lot 745) ZA APPROVED request of CHESTER LEE KLUCK, ELLEN GIRARD KLUCK, & TEMPLE EMANU-EL of San Diego, California, Owners; TEMPLE EMANU-EL of San Diego, Purchaser, to remove existing structures and constr. a new church facility consisting of temple, school./ social hall, museum and offices. New construction to obs. all yard and parking requirements with parking observing a 10 1 setback adjoining Del Cerro Blvd where 15' is reqd. & where such use is permitted by CUP only at 6271 & 6299 Capri Dr., Zone Rl-5000, subj to cond. CUP- 18566 9/21/84 t'8f1!5:: Amendment ZA APPROVED for TEMPLE EMANU-EL,- CA,-NONPROFIT include---------- /establishment of elem. school within existing bldgs. for max, of 125 students, grades K-6, 9:00 a,m, to 6:00 p.m., Mond,-Fri,located6271 & 6299 Capri Drive, Rl-5000 zone, Conditions C-18566 9-20-91