Del Mar Heights Block 15 Card1
DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 15 CARD1.tif DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 15 ~r-s?~S 1 't,b /l 'r 2 CARD NO. I. Lot 36- Permit to Keith Lansing, owner and Marine Builders, lessee to erect & maintain for a periodt of l yr, a free-stand, 2-sided directional sign advertising "Riviera Del Mar" over- all nt of sign from base to apex to be 8 1; sign itself to be 4 1 x 8 1; sign to obs O' front yard on Del Mar Hts Rd. wnere 15' is req and sign offering premises for sale or lease only is perm at 13840 Crest Way, NW cor Del Mar Hts Rd. Zone R-1-6, 8-20-69 3S'" Ext to exp 8-20-71 (10-29-70) Ro ext (10-22-71) C-9443------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I Lot 29- Permit to Leroy J. Updike and Harold E. Cheyney to constr a sin fam dwell and attac garage; attach gar to obs 13' at the closest point where 15' is req, at 2248 Del Mar Heights Road betw Condesa and Crest Way, Zone R-1-6. Cond'l. C-118o2 N.H. 2-7-73 Lot 30- Permit DENIED to Joe Burnham and Thomas Murray to maintain exist det gar to sin fam dwell obs 8 1 front yard where 15' is req, at 2254 Del Mar Heights Rd betw Crest Way & Condesa st., Zone R-1-6. c-11767 2-7-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABOVE Case 11767- APPEAL GRANTED and the decision of the Asst. &.A. be, and hereby is, overruled and the appellants! appeal is sustained. C-11767 4-3-73 Lot 14- Permit to Joseph T, & Helen G, Hale to constr a sin fam res with bar sink on firs, floor level in family room at 2223 El Amigo Rd. Zone R-1-6. AGREE #1902 11-2-73