Del Mar Heights Block 19 Card 1
DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 19 CARD 1.tif DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 19 61~1?J.t)-S, 2 "i e- '' ~ CARD #1 Lot 9- z.A. considered the appl of John G. & Minnie R. Cardosa, Owner and Carter Sign Co., lessee, to erect & maintain for a periocio-of two years, one double-faced, unlighted 6 1 x 12' x 10' high directional ground sign directing public to "Del Mar Hills" a new subdivision located approx mile Nly at 13814 Boquita Dr., NW cor Boquita Dr and Del Mar Heights Rd. Zone R-1-5 and has DENIED the sign as requested but APPROVED a 4' x 8 1 x 10' high directional ground sign. Cond 'l. 1:,0 Ext of time to exp 11-1-69 (10-22-68) Ext of time to exp 11-1-70 (10-21-69) C-8415 N.H. 10-25-67 -(Ext of time DENIED- sign to be removed by 12-2-70 (10-29-70) Lot 13- Permit to John F. & Donna M. Cihak to maintain exist sin fam dwell witn 4' balcony obs 21' SB where 25' ~as been estab, at 13821 Mercado Dr betw Del Mar Heights Rd and El Amigo Road. Zone R-1-6. Cond'l. c-11482 10-19-72 Lot 20- Permit to Michael & Sophie Federation to maintain sin fam dwell obs 20' front yd wnere 25' is estab, dt 13891 Mercado betw Del Mar Heignts Rd and El Amigo Rd. Zone R-1-6. C-11729 1-10-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 10- Permit APPROVED by A2A to THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO to develop lot containing approximately 5,143 sq. ft. with a single-family dwelling where minimum lot size required is 6,000 sq. ft., at the northwest corner Del Mar Heights Road and Boquita Drive, Zone R-1-6. Conditions. C-17166 NH 3-20-81