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Development Services

Del Mar Heights Block 28 Card 1

DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 28 CARD 1.tif_.,: ' DEL MAR HEIGHTS:BLOCK 28 CARD #1 Lot 8- Z.A. considered appl of Charles H. & Gladys Clark, as amended to const 16 1 x 34' two-story addn to exist non-conforming sin fam dwell as to side yd on north p.1.; (1) first floor of addn (garage & laundry room) to obs 12' rear yd, second floor {rumpus room) to obs 10' rear yd where 20' is req and (2) 5' street side yd on Cordero Rd. where 8 1 is req at 2284 Cordero Rd. betw Nogales Dr. & Mar Scenic Dr., Zone R-1-6 and has DENIED as req but APPROVED construction of 2 story, 16 1 x 34' addn obs req rear yd & obs O' distance from existing Cordero St. side yd (10' from future street side yd when proceedings for the 10' street closure of Cordero Street is compled), condl c-9689 2-12-70 Lot 4- AGREEMENT to TOM AND MARLENE ALLEN to construct a two-story, single-family dwell8 ing with bar sink in recreation room on first floor, at 13748 Mar Scenic Drive, Zone R-J-6. AGREEMENT #2875 I 1-18-782