Del Mar Heights Block 29 Card 2
DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 29 CARD 2.tif DEL HAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 29.- '/' f,. I (;,l'.1.,.,. I) ~ ~-- Card #2S'3 Lot 16- Permit DENIED to Sam Perkins to (I) erect 77 1/2' of 6 1 high fence on Pine Needles Drive to obs O' front yd and (2) 15' of 6 1 high fence on Cordero Drive to obs a 0 1 side yd at 13701 Pine Needles Drive, Zone R-1-6. C-14501 NH. 7-22-77. Lot 18, Blk 29, Map 157- Permit to Elizabeth J. F. Hooker to maint. 60 1 of 7' hi & 15 1 of 8 1 hi fence obs 0' inter. SY on the N. side & 30' of 8 1 hi,1zll along the Sly. prop line where max 7' hi fence or wall is permitted, subj to condns. at 13715 Pine Needles Dr., Aone R-1-6. Case 17313 7/9/81 Lot 5- Agreement with Ralph B. and Thelma D. Damon to convert existing single-family residence to a family recreation room with bar sink, as an extension of the primary dwelling unit. 13764 Nogales Drive, Zone R-1-6000 A-3758 06-25-87