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Development Services

Del Mar Heights Block 32

DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 32.tif... if6,11........ ~-~----.. .. "" DEL MAR HEIGHTS eLocK. j2 c,~1.-S' s 2 1, ~ ' ~ tF i. Lot 6- Permit APPROVED BY ZA to Margaret Granger to construct a two-story singl~s~ family dwelling with access to required off-street parking across a lot adjacent where access to requ' ed parking must be from the same lot, at De Mayo Road, zone R-1-6.- o- U CASE 16660NH-24-80 Lot 5- AGREEMENT with Daniels. Perry to construct a new 2 story single family dwelling, 2nd story to contain master bedroom suite with spa and full bath with interior and exterior access. Property located at 2017 De Mayo Rd. in the Rl-6000 Zone. A-4464 11-21-89 Lot 5- PLANNING COMMISSIOtl GRANTED a Coastal Development Permit to DANIEL S. PERRY to construct a 3,976 sq.ft. single-family residence with attached three-car garage located on De Mayo Road, Map 157, Rl-6 Zone. CDP #89-0592 9-12-89