Del Mar Heights Block 34 Card 1
DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 34 CARD 1.tif DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 34 tot 5- Pennit to Alfons J. Mednis to constr a 2nd floor at 2019 Cordero Rd. Zone R-1-6. c ao.1 s.l.~ z.-t ~,., ' &:, q z 0--0~ '#c! ol~ t..,,,., sin fam dwell.!with bar sink in bedroom on AGREE #1890 9-26-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por. of wt 2 and all of Lot 3- Permit to Arthur and Mollie Wagner to const llundeck approx 8 1 high to obs 10' front yard where 15' front yard is req, at 2o45 Cordero Rd. betwn Nob Ave. and El. Camino Del. Mar, Zone R-1-6- Cond'l. C-l.2,313 l.2-6-73 c;;;-6-;;;;-7:-;;;;;it-DENiED-by-ZA-;;-vicici"ii-&-iRENE-R.--v,-CcHEK-t;-;;;;;;;;;;;-;-60;--;i;;--- wl nd energy tower on lot with existing single-family dwelling where maximum 30 1 height is permitted, at 2001 Cordero Road, Zone R-1-6. C-17460 11-13-81 BZA- APPEAL DENIED and the decision of the ZA was sustained and affirmed. 2/10/82 Lots 6 and 7- Permit DENIED by ZA to Victor & Irene R. Vilchek to maintain 15 1-0 of chainlink fence 6 1-311 hi and 15 1 of solid 5 1 hi fence in the 15 1 front yard where 3' hi solid and 3' hi 50% open fence on top is permitted within the 15 1 required front yard (2) to maintain 93' of 5 1 hi solid fence in the street side yard where 3 1 hi solid, 3' high, 50% open fence on top is permitted within 10 1 street side yard (3) maintain 134'-6" of max 9'-3" high fence and gate combination in the public right of way, 2001 Cordero Road Zone Rl-6000 C-19446 2/9/87 BZA DENIED APPEAL 3/18/87; COUNCIL DENIED APPEAL 11 /13/90