Del Mar Heights Block 35 Card 1
DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 35 CARD 1.tif DEL.MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 35:? c;~. lb C, '1.- Card #l~O Lots 12 & 13- Permit to Park & Maurine RLcnardson to constr sin fam dwell with wet bar in fam room at 13661 Nob Ave. Zone R-1-6. AGREE #1701 8-18-71 Bor of Lot 21,Parcel 2- Permit to Thomas W. Hauser to constr a sin fam dwell with attached bridge; bridge rnaging in ht. from 0 1 to 12 1 ot obe 0 1 front yrd on Pine Needles Dr, where 15' is req, at 13610 Pine Needles Dr, Northwest cor Pine Needles Dr, and Pinar Place, Zone R-1-6- Cond'l c-11,967 6-6-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 16- 0 Permit to John w. & Mildred Birchall to constr sin fam dwell with bar sink in family room at 2154 Pinar Place. Zone R-1-6. AGREE #1919 12-26-73----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 17- Agreement to Lendel Homes, a general partnership, to const a sfd family room and master bedrm (two sinks) at 2162 Pinar Place, Zone R-1-6. 9-30-77. with bar sink in AGREE #2306.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 18- Agreement to Lendel Homes, a general partnership, fam rm and master bedroom (two sinks) at 2170 Pinar Place. 9-30-77. to const a sfd with bar sink in AGREE #2305. Zone R-1-6. Lot 4- Permit to John William & Abigail Odam to const a two-story guest room and studio addn to an ex_s sfd res in 44% lot coverage, and maintaining two off-street parking spaces where three are req at 2163 Cordero Road. R-1-6 Zone. Conditions. C-15012. 5-16-78.---- '-----------------------.. ~,-----------------------..---------..--..------ ' ' -.... -...._..... -..., - -............. ~......-..... -...,, ' ' ',...,...__........-.........-.-~...... -.... -.........._ -.. ... ...........-... . .-......,.........................-...............-.