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Development Services

Del Mar Heights Block 36

DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 36.tif....--;,,,..-:,...--..-....-.- tlEL MAR HEICH1$ Lot 9- Permit to John & Gail Dawson to constr single fam dwell obs 3' interior side yd at S. prop line only at the carport where 5' is req and a portion ofthe carport to obs 14'2" front yd where 15' is req; at 13612 Nogales St. betw Cordero Rd & dead end Zone R-1-6 C-10825 N.H. 10-5-71 Lot 19- Permit to Gilbert & Christina Lombard to constr a sin fam dwell to obs 16' rear yard where 20' is req, at 2201 Cordero Rd betw Pineneedles & Nogales. Z ne R-1-6. C-11463 N.H. 8-16-72------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 16- Permit to Robert & Janice Mannion to constr sin fam dwell with access to req park from a 10' wide private easement wnere access from a dedicated street is required, at 13655 Pine Needles Dr betw Cordero Rd and end of street. Zone R-1-6. Cond'l. c-11392 8-14-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 15- Agreement to Lendel Homes, a general partnership, to const a sfd with bar sink in,fam rm at 13645 Pine Needles Drive, Zone R-1-6. AGREE #2302. 9-30-77.------------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------Lot# /6 AGREEMENT to maintain the existing first floor of a proposed two story, smgle- family dwelling; the first floor including bedrooms, baths, game room and a family room with bar sink and separate outside access. BENNY MAIO 13655 Pine Needles Dr. R-1-6. '.!_ 6/26/84 Agree.# 3113 Portion of Lots 10, 11 and 12- AGREEMENT to THOMAS AND JILL RYAN to construct garage and two bedroom addition with separate access, located at 13605 Pine Needles Drive, Zone Rl-6000. AGREEMENT #3281 4-26-85