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Development Services

Del Mar Heights Block 38 Card 2

DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 38 CARD 2.tif DEL MAR HEIGHTS BLOCK 38_ ots!.l,: ~ CARD " 2, <','.', "J ., r (- I (, 1 "2.. Lot 8- Coastal Development Permit is GRANTED by the Planning Commission of the City of San r Diego to J.D. PARKER, Owner/Permittee, to construct a two-story, 3,366-sq ft, single-family residence with a built-in garage and workshop located at 13626 Durango Dr., Map 157,Rl-6000. CDP 89-0235 4/6/89 Lot 11- Permission granted to Owner/Permitee to construct a 2,295 sq. ft. two- story single- family home with a 1,585 sq. ft. basement on a vacant lot, located on the south end and on the east side of Mar Scenic Dr. between Cordero Rd. and Torrey Pines State Reserve. Map No. 157, Rl-6000 Zone. CDPf/89-1048 3/22/90